
Mohamed Ramadan A. Rezk M.Sc., Ph.D

-Director of Egyptian Science, Technology and Innovation Observatories, ASRT

  • -Member of Future studies and risk management council, ASRT
  • -Assistant Secretary of the Arab Association for Science, Technology and Innovation Observatories
  • He is currently director of Egyptian Science, Technology and Innovation Observatory (ESTIO) at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) in Egypt. He is a Fellow of Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) - Egypt “member of the Council for Future Studies and Risk Management. He is managing and actively participating in design and analysis of foresight exercise by most common tools (Delphi, Scenarios writing, future wheels, other tools), He is a member of many national projects as Egyptian Scientists database, Egypt leaps (energy foresight initiative), Improve of Egypt rank in International index , National Survey of R&D and Innovation and Egypt Beyond Corona - Future Perspective Transport, Industry, Information Technology, education and Higher education.He has many publications in Foresight and STI policies, He has taught Foresight at many university (Nile University, Heliopolis university, Banha University, kaferelshaik university, …), he conducted many Foresight training in Dubai and Egypt, He participated in many of International workshops, training, and conferences in science and technology and innovation policies and Foresight in Japan, China, Malaysia, Lithuania, Italy, Spain, and others.

    Foresight and Building the Future